Whether you’re living in your own home or renting an apartment, you probably will have to handle a leaky toilet at one point. If you notice such a leak, you shouldn’t ignore it or take a long time without repairing it. Detecting a toilet leak is always a challenge because you might do the repair and it reoccurs because you didn’t identify the underlying problem. Here are some of the common causes of a leaky toilet.
  • A Leaking Supply Line – Quite the joints in the supply line will wear out or become loose allowing the water to leak. There’s also a rubber lining in place to guard the leakage which might rupture or wear out. Also, the supply line might also suffer some mechanical damage that will cause a leaking toilet.
  • A Broken Toilet Tank – If there’s an impact on the toilet tank, it will create a crack that will proceed to perpetual leakage. Keep in mind that the fill valve found inside the tank will continue replenishing the water regardless of whether or not the tank is fractured thus causing constant leakage. Sometimes such a crack might not be visible making it hard to detect and causing persistent leakage.
  • Stuck Flapper – It’s one of the serious causes of toilet leakages causing a significant amount of water loss. In most instances, the flush handle gets stuck because when turned up or down, it gets stuck in the position while the fill valve supplies more water to the tank. As a result, there’s an overflow which causes severe and constant leakage.
  • Faulty Connections – With time, various toilet connections will become loose. For instance, the rubber linings that ensure watertight connections will wear away causing leakage. That’s why you need to replace any damaged or worn out parts to prevent these leakages. You should inspect the toilet connections regularly to make sure everything is in a good condition.
  • Warped Flapper – It’s hard to detect a warped flapper on your toilet which is one of the causes of toilet leaks. It gets worn out with usage over time causing the warping. Alternatively, there might be minerals building up that always contributes to wear and tear since minerals are constantly added to water for purification purposes. You might also use cleaners often on your toilet that add more chemicals to the water causing the flapper to wear out with time. Any leakage on your toilet depends a lot on the extent of wearing out of the flapper.
  • Faulty Fill Valve – With time and more usage, the fill valve also tends to wear out. It might also become faulty with mineral deposits found in the tank making it less effective. For instance, it might fail to shut off completely, causing toilet leakage when the tank becomes full.
  • Faulty Float – It is the hollow ball found on the water surface in the toilet tank. If it’s not properly aligned or cracked, the fill valve will run continuously without stopping thus causing the leakage.
Before repairing the leakage, it’s prudent to inspect the toilet thoroughly to avoid any other underlying causes.


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